IT’S So Nice to meet yoU

Melinda Perales (she, her, ella)


~ I am the Sun AND the Moon ~

Hello! I'm Melinda; my pronouns are she/her and ella en Español. I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in the State of California; I’m a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT©) and a Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist (CMAT©); I’m a Rainbow Advocate and Clinical Specialist (RACS); and I’m in a PsyD doctorate program working on the final phases of my case study about Sex & Love Addiction at Meridian University. I take immense pride in serving as the founder and lead psychotherapist at Sol Y Luna Therapy, and I am a proud clinician at Axis Mundi Center for Mental Health. I am on a personal mission to provide quality, affordable mental health care for everyone who seeks a desire to heal, grow, and feel better.

My ethnic heritage and personality…

I identify as a mixed-Indigenous cisgender womxn on a profound journey to reconnect with my Mesoamerican heritage. Additionally, I acknowledge my identity as a first-generation Mexican-American, which my father's heritage has strongly influenced. He immigrated to the United States from Torreón, Mexico, when he was just eight years old, alongside my grandparents, and they settled in San Francisco, CA, specifically in The Mission District. On my father's side, my grandpa's mother was a descendant of the Huichol Indigenous people of Mexico. On my mother's side, I come from a lineage of Mexican Americans hailing from Hatch, New Mexico. When tracing my ancestry on my mother's side, we can go back four generations to around 1900 when New Mexico was still a part of Mexico, not yet a colonized territory of the United States- ‘we didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!’ It's worth noting that my great-grandma on my maternal grandpa's side was full-blooded Mescalero Apache.

My personality style is best described as enthusiastic; I’m also a type '7 - The Enthusiast' on the Enneagram chart (Yessss!). I’m also aligned with the ENFP personality type in the Myers-Briggs framework. My astrological chart includes a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Scorpio Rising. These are just some of my traits, along with the typical characterizations of the ‘Gen X’ generation born in the 1970s, that I hope can give you a playful glimpse of who I am before we meet.

Personal Journey…

Like many, I have been on a journey that began without full self-awareness, marked by resistance to relinquishing deeply ingrained beliefs designed to keep me stuck in overwhelming pain. I empathize with the profound disconnection that can exist when first embarking on the healing journey. However, as I moved through the varying stages of transformation, I unearthed the profound power and significance of authentic connection—achieved only through unwavering honesty, vulnerability, and kindness. Since then, prioritizing my need for healthy connections with myself and others has driven my purpose to live as a healthy adult and qualified therapist to help others connect to themselves and others fearlessly. I can confidently say that if you feel hopeless and are suffering, know that your pain will be relieved, and you will feel better; this process begins once acceptance and action are in motion. I am so happy you are making efforts right now, in this moment, to make a difference in your life!

My therapeutic style and theory…

My primary approach to psychotherapy aspires to guide clients (adults, couples, and groups) with genuine empathy and to provide them with the experience of a safe and secure attachment so that they can learn how to consciously choose healthy thoughts and behaviors that will lead them to a profound transformation in how they express their innermost truths. The magic of vulnerability and authenticity often unfolds rapidly once we (the client and I) establish a foundation of safety and trust within the therapeutic relationship. 

For couples embarking on this journey, I am deeply convinced of the power of unity AND individuality within the partnership. I advocate for each partner to cultivate personal boundaries that resonate with their vision of their highest selves while also respecting the sacred boundaries of their partner and the shared commitment they've created, known as ‘their relationship’ as a couple. This can be challenging, as it involves confronting the fear of judgment and the unsettling prospect of having one's needs and well-being on the line. The shade of rejection and abandonment can loom, casting shadows on the path ahead. However, within the space of the therapeutic process, I firmly believe that a new form of intimacy can emerge, one that transcends past limitations.

By nurturing and sustaining the connection while fearlessly expressing the entire spectrum of their truths, couples can embark on a transformative journey. Through dedicated practice, rooted in vulnerability and empathy, each partner learns to make conscious choices that secure the three pivotal facets of the couple's beautiful connection: 'Tú, Yo, y Nosotros' - 'You, Me, and Us.'

Overall, it is important for you to know this about me: I already think YOU MATTER, and I am honored to hear your story and witness you shine. Welcome Home!